Arthur Scheltes
public transport consultant
From automatic vehicles and public transport to the introduction of 30 kph – I gain a great deal of energy from working on new traffic themes and issues.
My interests are wide-ranging and my projects are often at the intersection between content and policy, and in an urban or regional context – always with a focus on their contribution to achieving broad societal objectives.
Besides my actual professional interests, I get a lot of energy from working with, guiding, and training colleagues, and of course from contact with our clients. Within Goudappel I take on various roles, not only that of project manager but also account manager, mentor, and innovator.
Enthusiasm, innovation, optimism, and creativity are qualities that characterise my professional work attitude. I think it’s important to continuously develop professionally in several different areas at the same time, to look beyond existing frameworks, and in doing so to seek cooperation with colleagues and clients.
For me, working at Goudappel means connecting up different areas of expertise and fields of work so as to respond effectively to what the client requires. Our projects are becoming increasingly integrated and multidisciplinary; they’re hardly ever just about public transport or parking but quickly become about how they can contribute to achieving broader policy objectives.
On behalf of Goudappel, I’m also the board chairman for the CVS conference, an annual multi-day conference in the field of traffic and transport planning. It enables researchers, policymakers, and others interested in issues at the interface between traffic, transport, and spatial planning to meet and exchange know-how.