Danny van Beusekom
parking and location development consultant
The Netherlands is facing an enormous spatial planning challenge in the years ahead. There’s a major demand for new homes, and that calls for high-quality spatial planning with room for greenery, public space, water, energy, and mobility. And with space becoming ever scarcer, the design challenges involved are becoming increasingly difficult.
I’ve been working on these kinds of complex planning processes at Goudappel for over twenty years now. For example, I worked on developing the Cartesius Triangle in Utrecht, where there’s basically enough space for a large number of homes, roads, and parking solutions. However, the setting imposes limits on mobility: it’s not automatically possible for all future residents to use their own car, and that leads to a range of environmental, road safety, and traffic flow problems.
I worked on a combined package of mobility measures for the Cartesius Triangle, including offering attractive alternatives to owning a car. In recent years, I’ve successfully represented a number of clients in legal proceedings before the Council of State. So you can approach me about all the various issues regarding mobility and parking.
My extensive experience of projects and my secondments with public authorities have enabled me to broaden and deepen my knowledge of the world of traffic engineering. That makes me broadly deployable: from creating practical solutions for streets to conducting more strategic projects such as devising a parking and mobility plan for a redevelopment area.
My degree in spatial planning and my work experience have also taught me to adopt an integrated approach to complex challenges and to work closely with other specialists. Clients and colleagues describe me as hard-working, highly knowledgeable about my field, reliable, and responsible.