Gerard Bruil
team manager international urban mobility
When I started out on my career, more than thirty years ago, “mobility” was still called “traffic and transport”. That change in terminology says something about the increased interplay with other issues within society.
Traffic and transport need, above all, to be facilitated, whereas mobility is something you try to control and steer so it fits in with other objectives. The Netherlands is good at that, and Goudappel in particular makes a major contribution. The exceptional results of Dutch mobility policy are recognised in other countries too, and people are eager to learn from them. Goudappel aims to play a role in this through its international activities, but we also try to learn from other countries through those activities. That means gaining experience that we can then apply in our own country.
I’ve been with Goudappel since 1993, working for a long time in the world of transport modelling, first as a model builder and model user, and then as a team manager. For some years now, I’ve been fascinated by the opportunities that arise outside the Netherlands. I put that fascination into practice as the international team manager in the Urban Mobility department.