Marie-José Olde Kalter

Marie-José Olde Kalter

policy and behavioural research consultant

In the coming years, society will be facing a number of major challenges in which mobility plays an important role, for example concerning housing and the climate. How do we ensure a healthy living environment in which everyone has the opportunity to participate in activities and can move around safely?

Everyone needs mobility – to visit friends and family, to go to work, or to play sports. In the Netherlands, there are more than 50 million journeys every day, by car, bicycle, public transport, or on foot. If we want to understand why people make certain mobility choices and what impact those choices have on accessibility, liveability and road safety, we need to carry out research – research that I really enjoy doing for our clients. 

I have extensive experience in designing and applying both quantitative and qualitative research methods. My interests and expertise lie mainly in studies that focus on the relationship between behaviour and mobility, for example, perception surveys and monitoring and evaluation of policies and measures. I like to support our clients with setting up and performing studies and translating the results into clear decision-making information. 

I gained my doctorate at the University of Twente in November 2021 with a dissertation on Dynamics in Mode Choice Behaviour, in which ways of encouraging sustainable mobility behaviour are an important theme. Based on longitudinal data, I looked at such things as changes in the perception and image of the car, public transport and cycling, and the influence of life events on the choice of transport mode. I’ve also studied the impact of Covid-19 on commuters’ use of the car, public transport, and cycling . I can apply this state-of-the-art scientific knowledge directly in my work at Goudappel.