Nico Dogterom
policy and behavioural research consultant
If we want to make the right choices in mobility policy, then understanding traveller behaviour and the effects of policy is essential. As a researcher at Goudappel, my work involves tackling these issues on a daily basis.
I advise public authorities on monitoring and I carry out evaluations. Recently, for example, I evaluated bicycle policy for several municipalities, in terms of both impact and process. I also carry out studies to help clients understand travellers’ behaviour, motivation and perception, for example by means of analysis using data from the Netherlands Mobility Panel (NMP) or from special surveys. As a project coordinator, I translate clients’ questions into study designs and manage project teams, often involving multiple disciplines. It’s really valuable and inspiring to be able to draw on the full range of expertise available at Goudappel.
Before I joined Goudappel in March 2018, I gained my PhD at Utrecht University in the field of pricing measures. Given that background, I think it’s particularly important to keep up with the latest scientific know-how and to actively contribute to knowledge development myself. At Goudappel I therefore supervise students with their graduation projects, and I also regularly give presentations at conferences.