Our story
In 1963 Henk Goudappel created his consultancy firm in mobility planning. As an urban planner he understood that an in depth knowledge of mobility is crucial for urban design. Ever since then Goudappel has been the leading consultancy firm in mobility planning in the Netherlands. We were at the foundation of newly created cities, such as Almere and Zoetermeer, in the Netherlands. Houten, which is world famous for its innovative bicycle oriented planning, was designed by planners at Goudappel. We are responsible for many of the design manuals that set the standard in mobility planning nowadays. We are a trusted partner for nearly 90% of Dutch Cities and municipalities, 80% of the public transport companies, all regional and metropolitan authorities, and the national State Government who we provide with decision making data and consultancy.
A fast changing world
Worldwide, cities are growing rapidly. In the year 2050 more than 70% of the world’s population will be living in cities. Cities and metropolitan regions are the economic engine of countries. Meanwhile cities are facing massive mobility issues. Road networks are heavily congested, public transport systems are insufficient and cycling is not always safe. Mobility planning has become a key factor in a successful further development of our cities. Cities will have to make crucial changes in their mobility planning to be able to adapt to the increasingly growing population in a sustainable and socially inclusive way.
Our vision: mobility planning for a sustainable society
Dutch cities are economically vital, attractive, sustainable and socially equitable. We believe that this is due to our long lasting planning tradition, dating back to the 16th century, where we had to cope with the challenges the water offered. But we believe that Dutch principles in mobility planning are applicable worldwide. Mobility planning is a strong tool in the hand of governments to improve cities in all these fields. Everyone deserves a sustainable society, in which everyone must be able to reach civil services and appropriate working places - a crucial part of broad prosperity in our society. As Goudappel we provide 60 years of experience in urban mobility planning, and together with our local partners, we can apply expertise to cities worldwide.
A recognizable approach
“Integrated mobility planning” is the key for accessible and livable cities and urban regions. From our work experience, a combination of proper land use planning and mobility network development allows for integrated planning. Our approach is based on:
- Integrated planning: All ‘mobility networks’ influence each other and need to be designed in coherent ways, including the car, public transport, cycling and walking networks. Both urban and spatial developments are affected by a combination of, or all of, these networks.
- Purpose driven: Mobility is no goal in itself. Mobility aims to improve the economic vitality, the spatial development, the urban quality, the social equity and the environmental impact in our cities.
- Evidence based: We combine a quantitative approach that is based upon a variety of mobility data with design skills of urban mobility systems at different levels of planning (regional and local). The result is a compelling plan that exemplifies the effects of different scenarios and interventions.
Our team of specialists
With over 250 experts, we offer our expertise in varying fields related to mobility including, cycling, road safety, mobility-planning, urban development, traffic management, landscape architecture, behavioural science, parking and public transport engineering. Our data scientists gather large amounts of data to provide insights for our clients, while our software developers and model specialists work on innovative IT solutions and traffic models.
Together with our partners
We translate trends, data and mobility insights into decision- and evidence-based information and actionable perspectives for our clients. We work intensively together with universities and various national and international partners. We operate through eight partnerships in the Netherlands and abroad. As the spider in the web in the world of mobility, we believe in the power of cooperation to be sure we can deliver state of the art expertise and consultancy. In this way, we offer integrated mobility solutions for a sustainble society.
Read more about our international partnerships