Celebration of 10 years of Think Bike in Austin


11 November 2022

Bike Austin

Together with Richard ter Avest (Goudappel), Josine Reijnhoudt (city of Utrecht) and Erik Tetteroo (HOD-works and University of Amsterdam) it was our pleasure and privilege to host a workshop in Austin this October.  

10 years of collaboration

The heart of Texas is an unlikely place to build a Dutch-inspired cycle network. And yet, since 2012, the City of Austin has been working with the Dutch Cycling Embassy. Together we’ve developed a broad political consensus, ambitious programs, sufficient cash flow and a passionate hardworking staff (the department grew from 12 to 150 resources). All of this resulted in an attractive friendly bike- and walkable traffic network and humanfriendly public space of an impressive 380 kilometers of AAA (‘all ages and abilities’ across the city, with another 270 kilometers to be built by 2025. Austin is therefore a great example in the USA.

We are looking back at ten years of tremendous successes and are planning ahead and looking forward for the next ten years to come.

Read more about our expertise on strategy and spatial planning

Watch: City View News Story