Strategy and spatial planning

strategy and spatial planning

Technical expertise and the political acumen and skills to get solutions in place. That's what we at Goudappel stand for. We work across all levels of the policy hierarchy - from defining political goals down to detailed designs at street level, including the attendant complex policy and decision-making process. We inspire and enable, driven by the city or region that you want to be.

An integrated approach 

We look at mobility issues from an integrated perspective, going beyond the traditional thinking on traffic and transport. Bringing this approach into our work has many benefits. One is that we capture multiple policy areas in our research and deliver solutions that fit the interests of all parties involved. In addition to accessibility, we also specifically address other societal challenges, such as sustainability, health and safety, social inclusiveness, and the economic vibrancy of cities and regions. 

Strategies and forward-looking solutions 

In a society that is forever changing, it's vital that strategies are shaped with a view to the future. In our advice we look closely at the changes that are taking place and the uncertainties stemming from them. We explore ways to respond to developments, having regard to the wishes and interests of all stakeholders. We also keep close tabs on technical and societal trends. Where necessary, we use data, behavioural studies and model scenarios to support our advice. 

Our way of working 

We see your mobility goals as a joint creative effort to find solutions that contribute to achieving wider societal objectives. The political context is often complex, involving many stakeholders. Thanks to the breadth of our organisation, we boast in-house specialist mobility expertise and process skills. This blend of capabilities enables us to gain innovative and engaging insights so as to provide forward-looking action perspectives. We know what's feasible and devise unusual solutions when the situation requires it. And, at least as importantly, we'll take you along with us on our journey from start to finish. 

Our contribution to your mobility goals may vary from an open brainstorming session to providing intensive technical and process-related guidance during your decision-making process. From classic advice based on a fresh perspective to joint interactive work sessions and related communication strategies – resulting in co-created outcomes. 

The deliverables 

At the end of the journey, you can expect us to deliver a plan that will support you further with the process. The plan will set out clear recommendations and practical next steps for the short and long term. The standard we set ourselves is to produce a high-quality technical result that stakeholders can relate to. An engaging, inspiring, and accessible product for a wide audience. 

Working together on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans

As experienced mobility experts, we are perfectly positioned to help develop and implement international SUMP projects.

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Related to this expertise

  • Strategic mobility issues

    Making the right choices in mobility, based on shared interests and thorough research.

  • Traffic and mobility plans

    A planning process that pays attention to the issues of today, that suits the local situation, and anticipates on the future situation.

  • Design and public space

    Greener and healthier cities and villages that are future-proof, with an appropriate role for traffic.


Strategies and solutions for the future

In a constantly changing society, it is important that the strategies we devise are focused on the long term. In our consultancy work, we look closely at what changes are taking place, including uncertainties. We examine how we can respond to developments and weigh up wishes and interests of all parties involved. We also take a keen look at technological and social developments. Where necessary, we underpin our advice with data, behavioural research and model scenarios, such as our approach based on systems thinking.

Our approach: working together

We see your mobility task as a joint creative search to find solutions that contribute to broad societal goals. The political-administrative context is often complex, with many actors. Thanks to the breadth of our organisation, we have both specialist mobility knowledge and process skills in-house. This combination of content and process quality enables us to arrive at innovative and compelling insights, and thus concrete action perspectives for tomorrow. We know what is possible and dare to propose unusual solutions when necessary. And just as importantly: we take you along the way.

Our contribution to your mobility task can vary from an open sounding board discussion to intensive substantive and process-oriented guidance of your administrative process. From classic advice from a fresh perspective to interactive joint working sessions and associated communication strategies, leading to a joint product (co-creation).

How it helps you

You can expect a plan from us at the end that helps you further in the process. Besides clear advice, such a plan contains concrete follow-up steps for the short and long term. Our standard is to work towards a high-quality substantive result that the stakeholders involved can identify with; an appealing, expressive and accessible product for a wide audience.

Achieve a better future with system dynamics

Get a hold of long-term mobility policy and stay on course towards realising a vision of the future through systems thinking.

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Curious to know our solution to your mobility problem? Feel free to contact one of our advisors to discuss your challenge in the field of strategy and spatial planning.

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