Smart mobility in spatial development


Smart mobility gebiedsontwikkeling

How do you properly capture mobility needs when building new housing? How do you use spatial development to stimulate the mobility transition? And how do you determine whether the decisions you take now are future-proof and can count on sufficient support from all your stakeholders? These are all important questions in spatial development that we help you to answer.

Smart and clean mobility solutions in area developments 

Over the next few years, we face a huge housing challenge. As a result, (large-scale) urban environments will have to be infilled. This infill leads to increased mobility in areas that are already very busy. This could potentially make mobility a bottleneck. Expanding the car infrastructure is far from always an option. There is often no room for it, it's too expensive and it certainly does not always contribute to the quality of the living environment. That is why it's important to look for smarter and cleaner mobility solutions that still make the area to be developed accessible. To ensure that smart mobility solutions contribute optimally to creating an attractive and sustainable living environment, we have developed an approach.

Our approach using the smart mobility wheel 

Using the 'smart mobility wheel' developed by Goudappel, we investigate possible solutions for mobility issues in spatial development. We go through a number of steps to create perspective for our clients.

smart mobility wheel

Smart mobility wheel (in Dutch)

Our 6-step approach

  1. Defining starting points

    We take the client's current policy and the associated objectives and ambitions for the area to be developed as a starting point.

  2. Creating frameworks

    We create frameworks. To do this, we map out what questions the spatial development raises in terms of mobility. "How many houses will there be? Will there be a public transport hub? What are the basic principles for parking?" etc. This gives us a good impression of the size of the issue.

    When quantification proves necessary to further identify the size of the mobility issue, we calculate the situation. This answers questions such as "what does spatial development mean for the transport mode choice of future residents or visitors, for the traffic load on the network, and for the liveability of the area looking at safety and the environment?"

  3. Examining solutions

    Using our smart mobility wheel, we explore possible solutions to the mobility issue.

  4. Quantifying effects

    Together with you, we select the most promising 'smart solutions' and, where possible, quantify the effects of these solutions.

  5. Advising on best solutions

    Based on our analysis and insights, we make a proposal as to which mobility solutions can best be deployed in the spatial development, in order to design mobility in such a way that it fits within the client's set frameworks and contributes to a sustainable and attractive living environment.

  6. Programme of requirements

    We record our advice in a programme of requirements, a mobility concept, a mobility strategy, or a project note. In this way, we provide the client with the necessary guidance to start the next phase of spatial development, with the certainty that mobility will not be a bottleneck and that this spatial development will even contribute to the mobility transition.

In short, our approach offers you an insight into the possibilities (and impossibilities) of spatial development with regard to mobility, insight into which smart solutions can be applied and what (quantitative) effect they have, as well as concrete perspective on how to optimally organise mobility, aimed at both the housing challenge and the mobility transition.

Why choose us for an advise about the use of smart mobility in location developments 

  • Goudappel has a good overview of the integrality of mobility issues and how they relate to other topics in area development. We have in-house consultants who approach mobility from various perspectives, such as spatial, traffic, safety or sustainability. Together, our experts arrive at an integrated approach.
  • Our consultants have the most up-to-date knowledge of the entire scope of smart mobility and of the entire mobility domain. 
  • We base our insights and advice on high-quality mobility data and models. For example, we use OmniTRANS.
  • We can participate in the strategic, tactical and operational phases of spatial developments. We know what's important in which phase of spatial development, but also what the impact of certain decisions is on a follow-up phase. 
  • We know all the different stakeholders in the process, which makes us very suitable as a process supervisor and allows us to play an important role in creating support among all stakeholders.

Find out more?

We're happy to tell you about the potential of smart mobility for spatial development.

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