Multimodal and predictive traffic model Groningen (the Netherlands)


Verkeer Groningen

To keep the city of Groningen accessible in the coming years, even during planned infrastructure works, the Groningen Bereikbaar partnership developed an approach based on proactive traffic management. We helped them with a multimodal and predictive traffic model system.

Rapid growth

Groningen will grow substantially in the coming years: from 200,000 inhabitants now to 270,000 inhabitants in 2040. To facilitate this growth and improve accessibility at the same time, the city is carrying out a whole series of major infrastructural projects. To do this in the least disruptive way possible, the alliance Groningen Bereikbaar has drawn up an integrated network planning.

Major investments have been made in traffic management. Currently, Groningen is still managing traffic based on current data and with a strong focus on the car. To serve multiple modalities, a common operational picture of the various modalities in one picture is an important precondition. To meet these ambitions, Groningen Bereikbaar is fully committed to predictive and multimodal traffic management in the form of a Multimodal Predictive Traffic Model System (MVVS), which we developed for them.

Zowel on- als offline

Dit MVVS, dat Dat.mobility (het Data & IT-onderdeel van Goudappel) voor Groningen Bereikbaar ontwikkelde, bestaat uit een online en een offline versie.

MVVS Online

De basis voor MVVS Online is OmniTRANS Realtime, onze oplossing voor proactief verkeersmanagement door middel van verkeersvoorspellingen op de korte termijn. De kern hiervan is het combineren van real-time ingelezen data uit verschillende bronnen. Hiermee kunnen voorspellingen worden gedaan tot wel 30 minuten vooruit. Doordat OmniTRANS Realtime is gekoppeld aan het verkeersmanagementsysteem MobiMaestro, kunnen scenario's binnen dat systeem ook getriggerd worden op de verwachte verkeerssituatie tot 30 minuten vooruit. Daarnaast is er een koppeling met MELVIN, het Nederlandse systeem voor het melden van wegwerkzaamheden en evenementen. Hierdoor kan MVVS Online automatisch tijdelijke wegafsluitingen meenemen.

Behalve voorspellend is MVVS Online ook multimodaal. Zo is er informatie over het busverkeer in opgenomen: de actuele posities van bussen inclusief hun vertraging of voorsprong op de dienstregeling worden getoond en geïntegreerd met de (verwachte) verkeersdrukte. Hiermee kan de ov-verkeerscentrale busvertragingen monitoren en indien nodig ingrijpen.

Allemaal informatie die gebruikt kan worden om individuele weggebruikers te informeren over de beste routekeuze (bijv. via een speciale Whatsapp-service) en zo hinder als gevolg van de werkzaamheden te beheersen. 


Dashboard of MVVS

Both online and offline

This MVVS, which Dat.mobility (the Data & IT division of Goudappel) developed for Groningen Bereikbaar, consists of an online and an offline version.

MVVS Online

The basis for MVVS Online is OmniTRANS Realtime, our solution for proactive traffic management through short-term traffic predictions. At its core, it combines real-time read-in data from different sources. This allows predictions to be made up to 30 minutes ahead. Because OmniTRANS Realtime is linked to the traffic management system MobiMaestro, scenarios within that system can also be triggered on the expected traffic situation up to 30 minutes ahead. There is also a link with MELVIN, the Dutch system for reporting roadworks and events. This allows MVVS Online to automatically include temporary road closures. 

Apart from being predictive, MVVS Online is also multimodal. It includes information on bus traffic: the current positions of buses including their delay or ahead of schedule are shown and integrated with (expected) traffic density.

MVVS Offline

MVVS also has a module for tactical application. This module offers the possibility of running what-if scenarios related to infrastructure modifications or VRIs. This is done with MVVS's underlying traffic model. Here, one can choose an average working and weekend day derived from historical data or based on a snapshot of the real-time current situation. 

First application of MVVS

MVVS has been made available to Groningen Bereikbaar at the end of May 2022. An important first application of this new multimodal traffic model was the interventions at the Julianaplein in Groningen. But MVVS will also come in handy during further work in Groningen.

Meanwhile, the traffic centre in Groningen has used MVVS to inform individual road users about the best route choice via a special WhatsApp service. In addition, MVVS is used by the public transport traffic centre to monitor bus delays and intervene if necessary.

Client: Groningen Bereikbaar
Year: 2021 - present

“De grote opdracht was om het in ieder geval bereikbaar te houden. Ik denk echt dat we daarover tevreden mogen zijn."

René Schripsema (directeur Groningen Bereikbaar) in een interview met lokale omroep OOG TV

Opdrachtgever: Groningen Bereikbaar
Jaar: 2021 - heden

Proactive traffic management based on real-time data

Read more about OmniTRANS Realtime, our solution for proactive traffic management based on real-time data.

Find out more


realtime congestie voorspellen
