Traffic modelling
The most important question for our clients: How do I gain insight into the current traffic flows and what effect do interventions have on the future situation? This question can be answered with a traffic model. Which type of traffic model is needed depends on various factors. Goudappel offers a wide range of possibilities in the field of traffic modelling.
Understanding mobility and traffic flows
The questions that governments have about mobility and traffic often relate to the amount of traffic on the road network they manage. This may concern current, countable traffic volumes, but often also future situations. What, for example, are the effects on the traffic volume of a housing location that is to be developed, a new ring road or policy measures to reduce car traffic in an inner city, for example? How will these developments affect the accessibility of key locations, traffic flow, noise levels or nitrogen deposition?
The basis of these questions can be a legal framework, for example the traffic and environmental studies for zoning plans, the Environment Act, or the drafting of EU noise maps. But also to substantiate a vision on how a city should look like in the future, insight in mobility and traffic flows is needed.
From traditional to state-of-the-art traffic models
Goudappel has a specialised team that focuses on developing traffic models and applying them. For the most part, we do this with the software OmniTRANS. We develop strategic traffic models from traditional to state-of-the-art. For many issues, it is sufficient to apply a traditional trip-based gravity model.
However, due to developments in the field of mobility, but also due to the COVID crisis, we see that these models can no longer always provide the answers we are looking for. For example, people are working more from home, shopping more online, and concepts such as MaaS, shared mobility and the accompanying hubs are being introduced. In other words, our mobility behaviour is changing. The traditional models cannot cope with this, or not at all. All the more reason for us to keep innovating our models. Within our innovation programme, we are working on traffic models that are more data-driven and that model journey chains at person level, so-called micromodelling.
On the one hand, there are developments in modelling techniques to better explain the traffic flows, and on the other hand, we also see that more and more data is becoming available. This ensures that we know more and more about traffic in the current situation, and this allows us to further optimise the base year in our traffic models.
Tailor-made solutions
Goudappel is market leader in strategic traffic modelling in the Netherlands and offers tailor-made solutions across the entire spectrum of traffic modelling. In consultation and together with you, we provide appropriate advice for every question.