Tackling mobility inequality
"Inclusiveness", "equal opportunities for all", we are (rightly) talking about it more and more. So is the case when it comes to mobility. For example, we talk about "inclusive mobility policy" or preventing "transport poverty". But what does this mean exactly? Mobility can provide people with opportunities, but when mobility is not properly regulated, some groups of people may have fewer opportunities than others to participate fully in social life.
Dat niet iedereen elke plek even goed kan bereiken, bleek in oktober 2022 nog uit onderzoek van het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving. Vooral in landelijk gebied zijn veel plekken nog altijd beter te bereiken met de auto dan met het openbaar vervoer. Vervoersarmoede en bereikbaarheidsongelijkheid zijn echter twee verschillende dingen.
Lees hier over het verschilInclusive mobility policy
Inclusive mobility policies ensure that different groups within society have equal opportunities to reach work, hospitals, educational institutions or shops. Think of groups such as the elderly, the disabled, people with lower incomes, students, etc. It should be possible for everyone to reach necessary destinations in a reasonable time frame, at a reasonable cost. It is only then that we can speak of an inclusive mobility policy. Which standards are taken as the starting point here is of course crucial for designing mobility policies, because how do we determine what is 'reasonable' for which group?
Tackling mobility inequality
Goudappel has developed an approach that allows us to offer insight into mobility inequality for vulnerable groups and explore solutions to reduce this inequality. On this basis, we advise how mobility inequality can be prevented or reduced with appropriate mobility policies. To do this, we use the application Integrale Kijk op Bereikbaarheid (IKOB) developed by Hans Voerknecht, which we are jointly developing further, supported by CROW.
Our approach works like this:
Our approach in summary:
- We analyse the accessibility situation for one or more vulnerable groups;
- We assess the accessibility situation based on weighted parameters and help set appropriate standards;
- We propose concrete adjustments for improving mobility policies, which we have tested beforehand.
Why us?
- Goudappel has all the relevant data to analyse the accessibility situation for a particular group. Among other things, we use data from OmniTRANS Spectrum and from traffic models such as OmniTRANS Horizon, or from local/regional models. You do not need to collect any data yourself. This allows us to quickly and cost-efficiently calculate and visualise the effects of turning policy knobs.
- We have expertise at all intersections of mobility. This allows us to come up with appropriate solutions based on our knowledge and experience.
- We also provide strong visualisations of the accessibility situation, allowing better quality conclusions to be drawn. An additional advantage is that these visualisations are easily understood by stakeholders, which ensures greater support.
- We are one of the first parties to work with the IKOB application. As a result, we are involved in its further development and ensure that the method fits in with our data sources and traffic models.
- Because of our experience with participation processes, we can involve the vulnerable group(s) themselves during the process. In this way, we arrive at policy solutions that are actually supported by the people affected.
- Internationally, we cooperate with the gender-aware mobility management agency Fair Spaces, based in Berlin. The emphasis at Fair Spaces is on projects focusing on social inclusiveness and environmental consideration.
Giving everyone equal opportunities and thus increasing the broad prosperity in our society, that's what we like to work on! Inclusive mobility is a crucial part of that.
Brede welvaart vergroten
Iedereen gelijke kansen bieden en zo de brede welvaart in onze samenleving vergroten, daar werken wij graag aan mee! Inclusieve mobiliteit is daar een cruciaal onderdeel van. De Tweede Kamer heeft dan ook een motie aangenomen waarin wordt gevraagd mobiliteitsbeleid standaard te toetsen op inclusiviteit. Wij staan u hierin graag bij.