Study: accessibility of 12 campuses in Metropolitan Region Rotterdam The Hague

There are several campuses in the Rotterdam The Hague Metropolitan Area (MRDH). One of the goals of the MRDH is to strengthen the accessibility between these campuses. In order to map out the mutual accessibility of these campuses and the accessibility of each campus for students and lecturers, Goudappel was asked to perform an analysis and issue a recommendation to improve connections to-/from- campuses and the connections between campuses. Our analysis allowed us to conclude that the accessibility of campuses via cycling and public transport needs to be improved.
Twelve campuses studied
For this study, Goudappel mapped out the accessibility of twelve campus locations (see figure 1. MRDH region with the locations of the ten MBO/HBO campuses and two relevant university campuses) in the MRDH, for the transport modes car, bicycle and public transport.

Map of the campuses studied within Metropolitan Region Rotterdam-The Hague
We performed three types of accessibility analyses: First, we determined per campus the potential for students or employees in the area. We did this by analysing the number of residents who live within a 45 minutes travel time from the campuses. Secondly, we determined the mutual accessibility of the campuses, divided into four sectors: IT campuses; food & agriculture campuses; technical & green campuses; maritime campuses. Finally, we performed an in-depth analysis of the travel time of current employees and students.
Main conclusions and recommendations
As a result of this study, we provided the client with several recommendations:
- Utilize sustainable modes of transport for students and employees
- Promote the (e-) bicycle, public transport and e-mobility
- Improve public transport system
- Implement attractive and direct cycling and walking routes to the nearest public transport facilities
- Perform an accessibility test when selection a location for future campuses in the MRDH
- Improve mutual accessibility between campuses per sector
- Not all campuses can be reached within 45 minutes by public transport or bicycle
- There are opportunities for a number of campuses to attract (untapped) potential (e.g. students and employees)
- The Dutch Innovation Factory currently has many students travelling from The Hague and not many students travel from Rotterdam; these cities are roughly the same distance from the campus (see image below).

Accessibility map of the Dutch Innovation Factory
Want to know more about the accessibility of campuses within the Metropolitan Region Rotterdam The Hague? Download the entire publication here.
Client: Metropoolregio Rotterdam Den Haag (MRDH)
Period: 2021